Well, I had quite a time getting here to Canada. My flight was late getting into Dallas and my connecting flight was clear across the airport (the Dallas airport is GIGANTIC!). I ran all the way but still didn't get there in time. The airline couldn't get me on another flight until the next day, so I stayed over in Dallas one night and ended up here yesterday at 4 in the afternoon on my first day of class, quitting time! So I met my class this morning and am going to squeeze a 5-day workshop into 4 days. Below is the view from the dorm room where they put me up. The trees are gorgeous. It gets dark here at 10 pm!!!

This is the huge room where I am teaching. I took this before all the students arrived this morning. We had a great first day and more to come.

And here are a few of the students in action. By the way, the painting above is one I did before I left. I'll post more from here later. Now I need some major sleep, eh?!