If I imagined some plate of alien fruit, I think this would be it. They also remind me a bit of fish eggs. Lovely thought. This is my favorite of the yellow tomatoes. I am finally satisfied -tomorrow I will paint something else. They were just a little translucent, and I think I finally captured that here.
I think painting is sort of like chess. The really good players can think many moves ahead, but you can never think a whole game out, because every game is different and you never know what's going to happen (I suppose that would be pretty boring anyway). So I never know quite what a painting is really going to look like until the end. But all good chess players have strategy and certain tricks they use when they see a familiar situation. Likewise we artists have general strategies and personal tactics that we use. I would argue that painting is more difficult than chess (oh who am I going to offend here???) in that you never "win" in art and we have an infinite number of variables, vs. the 32 players and 64 squares in chess.