Cactus Time Out

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I always seem to forget one thing every time I travel, and this time I had a big oops - I forgot my computer plug dealy - the thing that keeps my computer charged. Now I am home from Florida and catching up on email. Please forgive me if you've written and I haven't responded. I also have gotten quite a bit of email recently - which I appreciate GREATLY - but if you didn't ask a specific question I probably won't respond. Please don't take offense - if I respond to every one I won't have time to paint. Please know I read  them all and LOVE the support and comments!!!

This painting is the last one from BTF (before the fire). My plan is to return to the faces for now and probably resume still life as well by the end of the week. I have to admit I really enjoyed doing still life demos at my workshop this last week ... (will post photos soon)
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