Two tongues

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Real quick before I talk about what I learned from these 2 faces, I want to ask you to please consider taking part in the DPW Every Mother Counts fundraiser! There is a very interesting story behind why we are doing this now, and it involves one of the most popular blogs in the world! So if you're an artist, this is a great way to get your art seen AND donate to a very good cause. Read more on the DPW blog.

Now, I did the bottom face first, but am happier with the one above. The light was quite harsh in the one below, and a lot of the detail was washed out/lost in the light area. Plus, after doing the one above, I found that a child's face looks much more ... childlike, when the edges are softer - duh! I was really playing around with color on the one above - maybe too much - but it was fun and I love how the eyes turned out. I am coming to realize the eyes are the most important part of these little paintings.

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