"The Post" --- SOLD

Thanks so much to all of you who left comments encouraging my plein air work! I do really enjoy it, and will someday have much more time for it. Right now, with a 3-yr-old, it isn't often feasible.

This is the second painting from my Rockport trip. There was this cute little Marina just opposite our hotel, and I went wandering around it looking for the perfect boat to paint. I kept walking by this one spot thinking "oh that nice little area BETWEEN the boats is so pretty." Everyone else painted boats. : )

Robert Elliot wrote to me today in response to yesterday's post, asking what a "non-wipe" is. My bad! When I do a painting bad enough I don't want to waste the panel, I take a paper towel, dip it in mineral spirits, and wipe it off to use later. That's what I call a wiper. Robert calls them "turkeys." I like that too.
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