These radishes weren't on a hill, but it looks that way to me now. It has something to do with the bottom bit, and I'm still trying to figure out what I could have done to change that.
I went to Jerry's Artarama today and fondled all of their MANY brushes trying to find one right for this surface (back to the smooth panels today). I finally found one not too soft or hard and I LOVE IT! It's an Umbria bright from Princeton Art & Brush Co, size 6. It is perfect for this surface - perfect. Now it's just a test of how long it holds up. I'll let you know.
I'm off to Rockport, TX tomorrow for 3 days of plein air painting with my Austin painting buddies. Maybe I'll come out with 1 or 2 landscapes good enough to post. Mostly I'm looking forward to the break from REAL LIFE. : ) I may or may not have internet - back on Sunday for sure.