"Pear Bottoms" --- SOLD

Thank you everyone who responded about my website! I really appreciate the feedback. I changed the daily paintings gallery so that it takes you to a page with some of my favorites, with a link there to my blog. What do you think? And I changed "still lives" to "still lifes" ... duh. : )

As I have gone along on this journey of daily painting, I have gotten quicker and quicker with my paintings, to the point where some take 30 minutes. But lately I have been slowing down again and am liking it. I'm trying to really OBSERVE my subject and get a feel for each part of it before I put down each stroke.

This has been a great week for me in terms of being turned on to talented, "new" artists. I found 3: Rita Foster, Stacey Peterson & Abigail Ryan. Check them out.
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