Reflecting On Orange

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First of all, the style of my blog has completely changed and I have no idea why. I'll fix it when I get home. Second, a quick update on my class here in Massachussets. They got a little testy these last few days since it's been fairly hot in our studio (that and the push-ups didn't help), but it should be better now that it's cooled off. I can't complain too much about them though because they've been very gentle with me and my new ... "homeless condition", they even laugh at my fire jokes (because I told them they had to so I didn't feel so pathatic). So all-in-all they are a good, supportive bunch. I will post photos soon.

Lastly, I want to unveil my new idea and get some feedback, and hopefully help. I've been wanting to paint people for a while. I've done a few figures, and some small portraits, but I have this hankering to do a whole series of small, silly faces. I figured it would be perfect for the time being since all my props were lost, and I don't have a shadow box, light, studio, etc. I want them to be cropped close and silly, kinda like my self-portrait below (reposting this in case you missed it the first time). So, if you would like to help, please send me photos of yourself, your kids, your grandkids, your friends, anyone, making a silly face. It would be best with no flash. Natural light is good, so go outside. Stick out your tongue. Get silly. Then email me the file. Thank you so much!!!

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