Orange Overflow

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I have a lot to report, but I'll start with a recap of the workshop last week. It was good for me to be busy, and as I said in an earlier post, my kids were very patient with me. As a thank you, I promised them I wouldn't complain about them. So I'll complain about driving in MA instead - it's crazy! I got lost more times than I can count because of my stupid, borrowed GPS, poor signage and bad directions, and almost hit another guy in a rotary because he was being an idiot. (breathe) Here are my kids being awfully studious:

Below are my first couple of demos. I had to borrow all the props, panels and medium (thank you guys!), but in the end everything turned out ok.

Below are my kids and me in the middle. You guys were fabulous - thank you so much for everything!! (more below)

I am home now and have started fixing my blog. I decided to run with the lighter background. I even put in a new header - check it out. I haven't retrieved all the "stuff on the right," and I'll need some help with that (more later). Also to report, while I was in MA last week David (hubby) was in Oregon finding us a new house, in Eugene! We will be leaving this weekend with the camper and car. It should take us about a week to get there. I'll post pictures when I get there. Tomorrow we'll be seeing our old "house" for the first and last time. I hope to find some little memento in the ashes. We'll see. More soon ...
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