Hogging the Spotlight

With these flowers I was really trying to suggest the 3 dimensions with some fairly broad strokes first, and then redefine them from the outside. I feel I've gotten a little too picky with them lately. I love the loose feel of them.

Piled in a Corner

When I was in college I had visions of doing paintings of things in a corner. I know, kooky huh? I think I did one and then moved on to other things. I am now revisiting this concept. I decided for a pile of apples one "wall" needed to be red. I love the feel of it.

Empty Bottles

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David and I have just launched a new fundraising Challenge on Daily Paintworks. Similar to the Help Japan Challenge, for which we raised just under $30,000, this one helps the children of Africa, who are dying by the hundreds of thousands in the midst of a devastating drought. You don't have to be a member of Daily Paintworks to participate and 100% of all proceeds will be donated. Please help if you are able, either by submitting work or bidding. Thank you!

Fractured Bottles

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I am away visiting family for the weekend. We stayed up too late last night chatting (and drinking wine, of course) and I didn't have the wherewithal to post. So here is a belated post of one of my favorites of late. I especially love what you can see through the bottle in the foreground.

The Kitchen Sink

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This painting has everything except ... you guessed it, the kitchen sink. I have to admit, it is sometimes quite difficult to come up with new titles, especially after 1,420 of them! My husband helped with this one. Thank you, sweetheart!

I Ain't Afraid'a You!

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I'm giving this cow creamer another shot. It's a tough one, but I think I finally captured it's personality. Come to find out it's a bit skittery. Imagine - being scared of an apple!

BUILD A BLOG CLASS - Taught by my good friend Jennifer, this weekend. If you want to get a blog up but are intimidated by the idea, this may be for you. Find out more ...

Ganging Up On Glass

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I think I got my apple values more correct here (vs. yesterday's). The glass was tough because the bottle's a bit dimpled ... so I just squinted a lot. All-in-all I'm quite pleased with this one.

The Mothercup

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For some reason I saw this scene as 3 apples introducing someone (the viewer) to their mother, the cup. Hence her title - the mothercup. I have a hard time getting the values right with green apples (shhh, don't tell my kids). I tend to paint them too light. I think these are even a bit too light, but I like it anyway.

Fork You!

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Ok, so I realize this title might be a bit riske' - therefore I apologize in advance for any offense that might be taken. But do you see the two apples, and the two reflections of the apple in front? I live for details like that. Call me weird.

Rioting Apples

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I'm back to my old tricks again - my old comfort zone - apples and forks and plates and bowls. I am very happy here for the time being.
We had some recent cancellations for my upcoming Jacksonville, FL workshop and a spot opened up. The dates are October 17-21, 2011, and you would need to contact Eileen if you are interested. Thanks!

How Many Cups Do You See?

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My husband began wearing reading glasses recently (he is 12 years older than I) and is constantly losing them around the house. And every time he does he asks "have YOU seen my glasses?" in a distinctly blaming tone, as if I was the one who misplaced them. And until he finds them he is a grumpy-pants. That or until I deposit him on the couch with a glass of wine. Either will make him happy.
WORKSHOP - Here is one more workshop for 2012, in Toronto, Canada, Aug 27-31, email Marina to register.


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I have this one painting leftover from what I painted in Germany. The image is from the Gold King Mine in Arizona, and one of my favorites. I think it's rather jaunty with the door open.
WORKSHOP - I have just listed a new one, in NY, June 11-15, 2012. Register

Where Are My Glasses?

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I found these cool old glasses at a Flea Market in Germany. My brother-in-law was with me at the time and I'm sure he thought I was crazy buying glasses I couldn't "use" but maybe this will reassure him.

Euro Dishes

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I found these very cool cups in Germany at a little store in St. Blasien. They were more expensive than what I can usually find here in resale shops, but I couldn't pass them up. You'll probably see them a time or two more ...

Fading Fast

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I don't usually make a big deal of my birthday, but this year my husband posted a Daily Paintworks challenge in my honor. Between that and Facebook, I've gotten a huge response and I just want to say - WOW, and thank you all so much!!! And in honor of me getting old, I have painted this old and rusting truck. : ) Here's hoping 33 is the year I stop getting carded.


I apologize for not posting more this week. Except really it wasn't my fault, it was my wild and crazy kids! They kept me out 'til all hours, every night. Making me play miniature golf and drink "pretty darn good" ice cream drinks (the rum made it pretty darn good!). So while they look awfully studious in these photos (below), they're actually quite devious:

The space here at the Peninsula School of Art was perfect. I have never been to a more well-organized school. The buildings and grounds are beautiful, the nearby towns are super cute, and all the restaurants are awesome! And no, no one is paying me to say this. : ) Below are my demos for the week (all sold):

And here are my latest kids - so cute but so baaaad. And I mean that in the very best way. : )

BUILD-A-BLOG class this weekend (sorry for the late notice): Aug 13-14, 1-4pm, CST.

For Loading & Unloading Only

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The painting is from Arizona, painted in Germany, but my body is here in Wisconsin. I'm pretty sure. And my kids seem awful nice but I think they're just buttering me up for something. I'm not sure what. Today they plied me with wine and ice cream, and yesterday it was fudge. They asked me today if I was going to complain about them on my website and I said "surely you jest," but I lie. They're awful. A bunch of complainers. They barely made it through the 10-minute paintings ... maybe it was the push-ups I made them do in between each one. ; )

Cows Grazing

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My body is in Wisconsin but my mind is still back in Germany, I mean Texas, I mean ... where the heck am I anyway??? The cows were definitely in Germany. Am I tired or is this title just a wee bit obvious?!

Out For a Sit

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I spied these two in Freiburg. The dog seemed under the illusion they were out for a walk, but apparently it was more for a sit. Although, judging from the shopping bags, there had been some walking. Poor guy.
Tomorrow I am off to Fish Creek, Wisconsin for a 5-day workshop.

Euro Orange

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We are home! The flights were somewhat uneventful, except for the unexpected, extra 5 hours we spent in Atlanta. Ugh. But we are home and settled and enjoying this wonderful 107 or so degree, melting, heat that we've got here in TX, and the complete lack of rain. But am I complaining? No. I got to be in Germany for a month so I don't deserve to complain. : )
This painting is a scene from a little coffeeshop we stopped at somewhere in Germany (can't remember where!). I'm glad I got the photo because the coffee was terrible. Still not complaining ... heh heh.

Looking Up

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More German windows. One thing I really like about this theme is the abstractness (is that a word?) - simple shapes and colors.
Tomorrow we will shove ourselves into a small, metal cylinder and be hurtled halfway (or so) around the world. Yes, we're heading home. We have thoroughly enjoyed our time in Germany! But it will be good to be home and back to our regular routine. I'll post again in a couple of days.
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