I came up with this title all by myself! I've very happy with this one. I'm not sure why but it just speaks to me.
I posted a picture of my still life setup the other day and got lots of questions. Today, while painting large, I had my stepdaughter take a break from watching my son (yes, she's our little nanny 2 days a week and it's working out splendidly!) to take a picture of me in my studio. Someone asked if my setup is tilted back at all, and as you can see here it is. It's a happy accident, and I didn't even notice until someone asked. My palette is to the right on top of a big red rolly thing (as I call it). My easel is way high tech - I have to prop my panels up on old stretchers to paint. Someday I'll have a better one. I have plenty of room to back up and do so regularly - every few strokes! And in case you're interested, I listen to Radio Paradise exclusively while I paint. Please forgive my pajama bottoms.