"Photo Finish" --- SOLD

I've said this before, but I feel I've grown more as an artist in the (almost) year I've been daily painting than I did in the 5 years before. I've gotten to a point with my painting where I'm very confident and no longer rely (so much) on happy accidents. This has made it very hard for me to accept the fact that every time I try to scale up my small paintings into something larger, it's a dismal failure. But, this is changing, finally. I have been working on some larger work in the last few weeks that I am very happy with. I finally found an angle I like, and somehow my compositions are coming together with great ease (knock on wood). So where are they? I promise I'll post some soon. I guess I want to make sure this isn't a fluke. I've ordered some frames, and when they get here I'll take them to the gallery and see what kind of reception they get there. Meanwhile, here's another 6x6 of apples, probably my favorite-all-time-subject.
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