First of all I'd like to announce a new website:
http://www.dailypaintworks.com/. It's a collection of daily painters, with whom I'm proud to be associated. The website is updated with the latest paintings posted by each of the 12 artists. The site also features artist videos, upcoming workshops, and a daily email signup.
The title for today's painting was a
consensus between my 2 stepdaughters, 12 & 16. The fact that they could agree on anything is a new one for me - must be because they haven't seen each other in a few weeks. One's been here while the other one's been with their mother. I guess
absence makes the heart grow fonder even when it comes to siblings!
For those interested, the new brush I am trying (I painted this one with just it) is a Silver
Bristlon Bright 6. The flats for this brand were a bit long, so I went with a bright because it's about the same length as a flat Monarch, which is what I usually use. I like it. I haven't decided if I like it better than the Monarch's yet - I don't think I do ... but it is cheaper.