"Two Green" --- SOLD

I read in a book a while back that that you should never do a still life from a 45 degree angle - that it makes the object(s) look like it's going to slide right off the painting. Lately I have found that I can get a much more dynamic view this way, so I am questioning this "rule". Any thoughts on this?

"In Your Face" --- SOLD

Still the same big tomato but a different vantage point. I'm envious of those who can make objects look like they're going to reach out and grab you. This tomato may not grab you, but it's at least a bit 3-D, yeah?

"Tomato-ettes" --- SOLD

We signed up this year with a local organic farm that delivers a box of vegetables each week. This week we got a whole bunch of these tiny orange tomatoes. I love the color as they wander into the shadow of the large tomato. The light shines through the large tomato leaving red on the small ones. I love it.

"Mondrian Tomato" --- SOLD

I thought of a great new diet idea for artists: paint all your food before you eat it. Either we'd all learn to paint really fast, or we'd die of starvation. : )

"Piggy Bank" & the last photo from Canada --- SOLD

I did this pig before I left and completely forgot to post it.

Last night was the student show. Most of my class was there so we got some pictures (see below). It's been a great class and today is the last day. As always I am ready to get home but sad to leave my new friends! Thanks, ya'll, for making it great, eh?!

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