"Safety" --- SOLD

I'll be gone for a couple of days - we're spending the remainder of our vacation camping. I should be able to paint again on Tuesday - here's hoping! In case I don't, Happy New Year everyone!

"Tiny Bells" --- SOLD

I did this painting last night and didn't have daylight to photograph it in. I'll post another this afternoon.

I found these miniature bell peppers at Central Market yesterday and couldn't help myself. It took me forever to find a composition I liked, however. At first I was just randomly tossing them about hoping they would land in a pleasing order. : ) Generally after about 20 minutes or so I start to get panicky. But lately, I've accepted that it takes time to set up a good still life, even something simple like this, and that I should allow for it rather than being frustrated by it. Just having that thought has calmed me down and, I think, led to better paintings.

"Sun Bathers" --- SOLD

I am really enjoying the translucent qualities of the grapefruit insides. The red even invaded the shadows and reflections on this plate. Love it. My husband has been giving me title ideas lately, that's why they've been more creative than usual. Thanks, sweetheart.

"Progress of a Slouch" --- SOLD

This was my second attempt for the day. I did the first one on a 6x8 and it was ok, so I painted another - this one. I liked it so much better I wiped the first one. I find I really like the orange showing through the blue, and I don't usually think about that. The light, although it was coming generally from the left, shone through the grapefruit slices and lit the "shadow" sides and made them almost as light as the "lit" sides. I like that too.

"Surrounded" --- SOLD

Merry belated Christmas! I didn't get to paint at all after the last one - too busy with family and cooking and card games, etc.

I started this painting off with the polka-dot fabric as is. I liked the blue color and didn't have the same shade in my paper backgrounds. I figured I wouldn't put the dots in if it looked ok without, but I got everything else done and it just needed something. The slices are from the same ruby red grapefruits I painted on Saturday. I have quite a few - this may be a series. : )

"Sugar Bowl" --- SOLD

I'm glad I painted, but I was WAY out of my comfort zone with this one. I didn't have my "fancy" still life box with controlled light (this was sunlight), I was working on a small portable easel with a tiny palette, and this panel has a new surface I've never worked on - gessoboard. The paint acted totally different on this surface: sucked up the paint and every stroke mixed right away with anything underneath. So far I really prefer canvas. I borrowed this sugar bowl from my mom (who made it) - she calls it the bluebird of happiness sugar bowl - don't ask me why. At least I got to eat the cookies afterwards. : )

"Bowl of Ruby's" --- SOLD

This is my 400th daily painting. I did a large painting on Thursday that included this bowl of grapefruit and really liked it, so I did a small version. I love all the different shades of orange.

We are visiting my folks for the holidays - just got here today. I plan to keep painting here, even if I don't post anything, just so it doesn't take me so long to get back in the swing of things when I get home.

"Howdy" --- SOLD

This is another one that just fell off my brush. I didn't once think about rules when composing, in fact I never stopped to think at all through the whole thing. It just happened. I live for this. I asked my husband what I should call it and he said "it looks like the flower is saying 'howdy' and waving its leaf." So there you are.

Below are some little alien sculptures (~2" high) I made out of Sculpey and painted. It was a fun project I did with my stepdaughter.

"Grapefruitarama" --- SOLD

I've been experimenting with this more traditional approach lately, and although I like the dramatic nature, I'm really missing working more with color and unusual compositions. I'm wondering if there is some way I can combine the drama with my usual stuff. I'm working on it ...

"Grapefruit in a Fish Bowl" --- SOLD

I did a large painting today, and when I was "done" I didn't want to take down my setup right away in case I wanted to go back and change anything. So I used my stool and set this grapefruit in a fish bowl on it with a spotlight, looking almost straight down. It took me 20 minutes to paint and my stepdaughter said "eh" about it, so I am going to start the bidding at $50.

"High Tea" --- SOLD

I found this interesting tea pot at the thrift store recently. I didn't notice the crack on the underside of the spout until today which makes it unusable. Good thing I only want to paint it. : )

I've gotten several emails today from people who haven't been able to view my website properly. Unfortunately I didn't test it on all the browsers before I put it out there, and there appears to be a bug when viewed in Firefox. I'll get that fixed soon - sorry about that. I also wanted to mention that I've just gone through my ebay store and lowered some prices on paintings that have been there a while.

"Little Cakes" --- SOLD

I went on a date last night with my husband. We stopped by Whole Foods to eat and I saw this big display with tons of beautiful little cakes. For some reason I had never seen them before (this is the central WF and BIG), but they called to me and I got these 3 to paint. I did 2 paintings today: a larger one and this one, and these cakes are in both. I couldn't resist. They're so cute. And they tasted good too. : ) By the way, I'm photographing my larger paintings (slowly) and putting them up on my regular website in case you're interested. The latest ones are in the "still life" category.

"Cherry Pile" --- SOLD

I was on my way to setting up a more complicated still life than this. I had a vase and an apple and it still seemed a bit sparse - so I added some cherries. And I thought they looked so cool with the little bit of white cloth reflecting back up on the edges of the dark red cherries all stacked up and balanced that I zoomed in and cut everything else out.

"Three Cherries" --- SOLD

Click Here to Bid

My internet connection was down for some reason last night, and I wasn't able to post this. So I will most likely post two today. These cherries may look simple, and you might think I could whip it out in 5 minutes, but I guarantee you I didn't. In fact I slowed down with this one and studied every stroke. This is one of my favorites yet, I must admit.

"Orange Stack" --- SOLD

I was really attracted to the reflections on the cup in this setup. I think the trick to getting reflections "right" is keeping them real. What I mean is that reflections are usually fairly subtle, and I really try to take that into account. I try to look at the actual value and try to recreate it. I've learned that if I stay as true as possible to value and proportions, my paintings are most successful. Then I can be as creative as I want with color and composition.

"Black & White" --- SOLD

I think I'm finally gaining some confidence with cups. It's the rims that are the toughest. They're usually rather thin, but not so thin that I can treat them the same as highlights. Also, getting the elipses right is always a major challenge. One thing I talk about in my workshops all the time is how everything is relative, and so to get things "right" you've got to constantly compare everything to everything else: shapes, distances, values, etc. It's really easy to get so focused on one little piece of the composition that we forget to look at the bigger picture. But if one little part doesn't relate to the rest then you're sunk! I have 2 main tricks for making myself look at the bigger picture all throughout the painting: squint, and back up.

"Blue Vase" --- SOLD

You'll have to take my word for it - this one is better in person. I found this blue vase at a junk shop yesterday. It was next to a whole bunch of small vases that were very obviously hand-made by an amateur. The bottoms were thick and the glazes drippy. But they're perfect for painting, so I bought several. I did a larger painting today with this vase and flower and several others, and it seemed fitting to use them in a small one too. Unfortunately, the dark background shows a ton of glare and obliterates any subtlety there. The small things are tiny onions - I was going for minimal strokes.

"Trail of Orange" --- SOLD

I'm pretty sure I've talked about this before, but one thing I really try for is to have a dominant color. I feel it makes my compositions stronger than if I don't have one. I learned the idea from a book by Harley Brown. I hear he has a new book out. I would love to hear what anyone thinks of it if they've bought it. I haven't seen it in a bookstore to browse.

"Disassembled" --- SOLD

Things are easier now that I'm not so afraid of white. I use it sooner and with less fear. I really liked how light these orange pieces were on the white plate - almost no darks in or around them.

These last few days have been really difficult for me. My husband and I decided to pull our son, Jacob, out of day care. He was sitting in the corner every day by himself with his blanket over his head. When I dropped him off he would shake and scream and apparently this never got better after I left. So we figure either it isn't the right environment or he's not ready or something. We're now looking for someone to come to the house 2 days a week to watch him while I paint upstairs in the studio. So if you know anyone in Austin...

Sorry about the comments

Because I am a nincompoop, I did something funny to my comments and it took me this long and a question from a friend to make me realize it. I just fixed it and have published all the comments I've gotten since I made the mistake. Sorry about that. I LOVE getting your comments - please don't be discouraged by this!!!

My son didn't take a nap today :( so no painting.

"Fall Leaf"

I live in a relatively new community, and the one downside is teensy little trees. I'm not sure what kind of leaf this is, but it must have blown onto my porch from some neighbor's teensy tree, as we only have Pin Oaks and a Bradford Pear. It was all by itself, and so perfect - I thought it must be a sign. Or maybe an ambitious leaf looking for fame?

"Dappled Silhouette" --- SOLD

First of all I'd like to announce a new website: http://www.dailypaintworks.com/. It's a collection of daily painters, with whom I'm proud to be associated. The website is updated with the latest paintings posted by each of the 12 artists. The site also features artist videos, upcoming workshops, and a daily email signup.

The title for today's painting was a consensus between my 2 stepdaughters, 12 & 16. The fact that they could agree on anything is a new one for me - must be because they haven't seen each other in a few weeks. One's been here while the other one's been with their mother. I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder even when it comes to siblings!

For those interested, the new brush I am trying (I painted this one with just it) is a Silver Bristlon Bright 6. The flats for this brand were a bit long, so I went with a bright because it's about the same length as a flat Monarch, which is what I usually use. I like it. I haven't decided if I like it better than the Monarch's yet - I don't think I do ... but it is cheaper.

"Strappy Shoes" --- SOLD

These are the fanciest shoes I have. I've had them for about 2 years, and I've worn them exactly 2 times. Since I knew the whites and blacks in this were going to be rather cool, I picked a warm brown as a ground. I used my new brush on this too, and I swear tomorrow I'll tell you the brand ... I'm too tired to climb the stairs again tonight to look. But I'm feeling better, and I hope to paint again tomorrow. This one was an extra I did right before I got sick.

"Carnation Cup" --- SOLD

I am finding that my wonderful new Windsor & Newton, Monarch brushes are wearing out. They're getting a bit frazzled on the ends, even though I clamp them in cardboard every night. So, I figured since it had been quite a few months, I would go out and buy some new brushes. And it's like magic all over again! This one seemed to paint itself - such a wonderful experience. Thanks to all of you who have offered such kind comments about my daycare and sick experiences!
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