"Spiral Vase" --- n/a

I made this ceramic vase when I was in high school.

"Comraderie" --- SOLD

This is # 100 in my line of daily paintings! I painted my favorite thing. :)

"Shadow Play" --- SOLD

What can I say? I love fruit and their shadows. I think of it as miniature drama.

"Flotsum" --- n/a

This is a bobble bird I got in Galveston, TX a couple of years ago. My husband named him Flotsum right off and put him up on our mantle. I love his sheepish look and those big feet!

"Mighty Hippo" --- SOLD

This is another selection from my son's toybox. It's a small, plastic hippo. Isn't it ferocious?!

"Little Piggy" --- SOLD

This is one of my favorites of my son's stuffed animals. Just a pig.

"Made in Mexico" --- n/a

This is a little rock carving of a horse, made in Mexico. I was going for subtle for a change.

"Leading the Pack" --- SOLD

These are actually very flat (disc-like) pearl onions. As I stood in front of the onion bin picking out my favorites, an older man came up beside me and said "how do you pick out the good ones?" I said "I don't know, I just pick the cute ones." :)

"In Line" --- SOLD

Don't these nectarines appear to be waiting in line? I hate waiting, and avoid it at all costs. If I go out to dinner I go early or late or to the less popular restaurants. I go to the grocery store in the morning during the week to avoid the crowds. The only waiting I can't avoid is in the doctor's office, so I always bring a book. Otherwise, what a waste of time. Argh. What a grump I am today.

Custom Painted Taillights

Custom body work on a car will make your car stand out from another car. Today's project shows a method to do some custom work to get custom painted taillights.

I bought an extra set of 94-97 Integra taillights (with the orange turn signal) for $25, in order to try and make something unique. Here is what it looks like:

94-97 Integra Tail light

First step I wanted to do in making it custom was removing the orange turn signal and making it look more like the 98+ integra taillights. Here is what the 98+ taillights look like:

98 Integra Tail light

The process to red out your taillights can be done either using paint or vinyl. My first attempt was using the Krylon Stained Glass red paint. I masked off everything so only the orange was exposed. I don't have a picture of this but the idea is to put masking tape and newspaper surrounding the orange so you only paint over the orange.

This was the final product of the tail light red out process:

Integra Tail light Red Out Picture 1
Integra Tail light Red Out Picture 2

Now, from this part I was going to proceed to painting a green trim on the taillights, but decided to try using vinyl on the taillight to see what difference that would make in the look of the red out taillight. I used acetone paint stripper to remove the krylon paint from my taillights to reexpose the orange blinker. I then got a transparent red vinyl sheet and cut out the vinyl to match the shape of the orange blinker. I have no pictures of this process, but u basically wet the taillight slightly where you will apply the vinyl to give you some leeway in putting it down and then put the vinyl on and squeegee the excess water out making sure you get it all out completely. I also used a hair dryer to make the vinyl stick better and form around the corner of the taillight.

At this point I was satisfied with the way the vinyl red out looked on the taillights and proceeded to set up to paint my taillights with a green trim.

I masked all the parts that were to light up with newspaper and masking tape. Once the taillight was masked, I sprayed three thin coats of green paint onto the taillight, leaving about 5 mins between coats. After my last coat, I left it to dry for about 20 minutes and then proceeded with the clear coat on the taillights. Here are some pictures with the taillight masked and the green painted on top of it:

Integra Tail light Masked and Painted Green 1
Integra Tail light Masked and Painted Green 2
Integra Tail light Masked and Painted Green 3

In this picture I highlight the parts I masked:

Integra Tail light Masked Areas

Once I was done spraying the lights, I let them dry and then removed the masked newspaper and tape to reveal my newly complete Green Custom Painted Taillights. I then installed them onto the car and here are the results:

Completed Custom Green Integra Tail light Picture 1
Completed Custom Green Integra Tail light Picture 2
Completed Custom Green Integra Tail light Picture 3
Completed Custom Green Integra Tail light Picture 4
Completed Custom Green Integra Tail light Picture 5
Completed Custom Green Integra Tail light Picture 6

I was quite happy with the paint match and how it gave a unique look to the car. Hope my adventure into creating my custom painted taillights will make you think about how you can customize your ride and its taillights!

Regards, MK
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"Nectarines 3" --- SOLD

"Three Apples" --- SOLD

I've really been having a great time with these apples. The little bits of green are so fun to paint, and I enjoy coming up with the set-ups. I know this isn't the most creative title...but there you go.

"Figure Skaters" --- SOLD

When I was composing this painting, and I looked through my viewfinder at these two apples in this configuration, I couldn't help but see two figure skaters, gliding across the ice. Now, this may seem a bit silly, considering they are apples...but that's what I saw nonetheless. Maybe you can see it too?

"Apple Race" --- SOLD

These apples reminded me of runners at the starting line. I used to run the mile and 2 mile in track in high school, and I remember standing there, thinking about the long track ahead and how fast the girls around me might be, and getting a little sting of adrenalin. Sometimes I think I kind of miss that, but I really don't.
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