"Oranges 4" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

This is the fourth in a series of oranges.

"Oranges 3" --- SOLD

6"x6" - oil on canvas

This is day 3 in my series of oranges.

"Orange 2" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

I have become obsessed with these oranges and this fabric, so I've decided to do a series. This is number 2.

"Milk & Cement" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

Here are a couple of relics from my husband's childhood. We gave them to Jacob, our 19 mo. old son, but he just smashed them against my husband's computer, so we took them away. They have been sitting on the banister at the top of the stairs for weeks now, just begging to be painted, so here they are: a milk truck next to a cement truck.

Paint Your Car Rims

Paint your own Rims? Who would of thought something previously done by professionals could be done in your own home.

While, the concept of painting your own rims has been around a few years now, many questions pop up of how to do it and I thought I would share my own experiences with painting my Integra stock rims. I have read up many examples of how to do this, but my first time trying was this year when I chose to refinish my winter rims. I was quite please with the outcome.

First, what the hell do you need to paint your rims? Paint of course :) This is where Duplicolor comes in with their wheel paint. They offer paint colors to match your style coming in white, gunmetal, classic silver and bronze as well. I chose to do mine in gunmetal leaving my lip the stock polished style look. So here are your options:

So you chose your colour, bought your paint and are semi-ready. First, you need to sand down your rims. Why? This gives the surface a rough texture so the paint has something to adhere to. Reference the article to polish your rims on how sanding of the rims works. The only difference with this is how far you want to go. In my case, being winter rims painted I chose not to go through the process of stripping the paint on the rims completely. I simply sanded down the surface with 300 grit sandpaper ensuring to make everything sanded equally. This gives the rough surface required for the paint to adhere, and as long as your rims had no damage it should be good enough.

Your rims are sanded, you have your paint and now are ready. First, make sure you clean all sanding dust off the rims and ensure a totally clean surface so the paint will stick and not flake off after your first drive out with your newly painted rims!!! Here are my rims washed and ready to completely dry before painting:

Rims washed to paint

Here is an upclose shot of my Sanded Rim ready to have a fresh coat of Gunmetal paint applied to it:

Rims washed to paint

You will notice my rims are masked off with newspaper and masking tape. Of course you want to do this so you dont turn your tires into the color you are painting. I don't want gunmetal painted tires. Also if you look close enough, you will know that the lip has been masked off as well. So I carefully applied the masking tape on the lip to protect it from being painted as well. Also, you know the lil thing you pump your air into, mask that off as well unless you want that to have a color change as well :)

The rims are dry, you have masked off what you dont want painted and now you are ready. Put some newspaper on the ground and place the rim on top of the newspaper. You don't want to paint the concrete underneath the rim so keep it clean with the newspaper.

Now apply your first coat of paint (gunmetal on my rims). Here is my first coat on two of the rims (the two on the right have been painted):

First coat on Two Rims

Here are pics of the rims painted and masked:

Rim Painted and Masked 1

Rim Painted and Masked 2

Rim Painted and Masked 3

A couple of good shot of the Rim Painted with the Clear Coat shining while drying:
Clear Coat Masked 1

Clear Coat Masked 2

Now put away your rims somewhere and let them dry so the paint has time to cure. I left mine for a couple days and then took off the masked newspaper and tape. And the results are in.

Three Rims lined up and painted:
Three Rims Lined Up

Up Close view of Dried Clear Coat, Nice and shiny :)
Three Rims Lined Up

Here is single shots of the rims without the center caps installed yet:
Rims No CenterCaps 1

Rims No CenterCaps 2

Here is single shots of the rims with center caps installed yet:
Rims With CenterCaps 1

Rims With CenterCaps 2

Hope you enjoyed my venture into painting my own rims and hope this may tempt you trying the same with your old rims that you were maybe thinking of throwing away, but now can refinish into a nice set of rims.

Regards, MK
Car Buyer Guide gives insight into buying your car or seeing what Car Concepts are coming out!

"Garlic & Vase" --- SOLD

6"x6" - oil on canvas

"Tomato Daisies" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

I found this daisy material a few weeks ago at the thrift store. I thought it fit well with this nice tomato.

"Mini Wild Melons" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

I found these tiny "melons" on a hike the other day and have had them in the fridge ready to paint. They're each about 2 inches long at their longest point, and one had this lovely bit of curly vine still attached.

"Spooked" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

Small, plastic donkey, confronting its shadow.

"Oh Wise Bear" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

I found these little wooden toys in with some of my husband's childhood things. The bear is actually from a McDonald's happy meal...does that ruin the effect?

"Quiet Conversation" --- n/a

6"x8" - oil on canvas

I found these leaves at the greenbelt here in Austin.

"Leaving" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

We have a bradford pear tree in our backyard and it is dropping these wonderful fall leaves. I love leaves almost as much as I love rocks. The only downside to leaves is that they don't last for long.

"Rock Group" --- n/a

6"x8" - oil on canvas

I collect rocks. My favorites have been rounded by moving water, but I love all rocks. Each one is so unique. My favorite subject in college was geology. I love to hear about how rocks form...and yet I couldn't tell you the name of any of these. My mother has forever loved the word "ferocryptomungite." This is the word geologists use when someone asks "what's this?" and they don't know. "Oh yes," they say "this is the rare ferocryptomungite." Everyone is impressed.

"Merry Fishmas" --- n/a

6"x8" - oil on linen

Here's a second version of this little, glass, fish, xmas ornament.

I'm taking a little time off...

to go camping with my husband and son. Back on Thursday. Thanks for tuning in.


"Beanie Bird" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

I was in the hospital a few years ago with a clot and my stepdaughters brought me this beanie baby bird as a get well gift. It is such a silly creature, I just had to paint it.

"Mini Apples' --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

Mini apples in a sea of blue.

"Twix" --- n/a

6"x6" - oil on canvas

All the other painting a dayers have been painting candy around Halloween, so here is my contribution. I couldn't resist.

Mercedes SL600 Bling at Sema

Here is a pic I found of a Mercedes sl600 at the Sema Show:

Its not showing doing any direct body work, but whoever spent the time to make the car look like that put in a lot of time and effort to make a truly blinged out Mercedes.

If you go to this website, you will see a flash animation showing off this exact car!

D.A.D web site with Blinged out Merecedes

This car is crazy and has some serious work done to it.

Regards, MK

"Bottle Dots" --- SOLD

6"x6" - oil on canvas

I've been waiting for the perfect situation in which to use this green/purple polka-dot material.

"Candles" --- SOLD

6"x8" - oil on canvas

Fancy candles in a pile.
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